Filming Day

We got everything together, put on our costumes, and set off down the road, armed with a camera and tripod, two suitcases, two love heart shaped foldable chairs and a small coffee table. We got loads of funny looks and loads of people didn't even know where to look as we went past. It was embarassing at first but really funny and got us into the performance mood. The performance itself went much better than I expected seen as how neither of us had ever really done anything like that before and we didn't have any acting experience either. I think the filming itself went quite well also. We managed to get a variety of close up and far away shots which should cut together quite nicely during editing.  A great day all in all. It was quite liberating to be doing something which wasn't focused on the caravan. I'm really looking forward to getting into the editing side of things and seeing how everything's turned out.

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